The new digital normality

la nuova normalità digitale

The new digital normality

The new digital normality

A new phase full of challenges is beginning, one in which the “digital transformation” is the access key to face this “new normality” that the Covid-19 emergency has brought along.

In the midst of the pandemic we saw how digital resources showed themselves as essential for the country (and the world) not to stop -for an even longer time. Now a new phase, in which the virus is still present, is beginning. We all share the same fear of a new lockdown that, off the record, would be difficult to support not only at a personal level, but at a work and financial level as well.

And this is why we need to aim for a “digital Rennaissance”, as called by the Federazione Digitale Italiana, that in its manifesto supports the promotion of digitalisation.

Digitalised society

The real transformation only happens when we are able to understand that digital solutions are not alternative to traditional ones but complementary to them, only then they can (and should) be taken into consideration, since the very start.

We have already passed a big ‘test’, now we need to understand that a digitalised society can be able to stop the spreading of the virus. In this “new digital normality” it is the digital resources that are the real engine of the progress for society and economy.

So, the manifesto for a digital renaissance lists in 10 points some aspects of our lives, be them about our work, education or bureaucracy. We have always imagined that they need to be completed in presence, but they can also be easily completed digitally, to foster a full and definitive digital transformation.

The digital change

At a personal level, as explained in the manifesto, this digitalisation sees the tracking of infections using the data on our smartphones, always only if there is the utmost respect for privacy. As it happens today with the app Immuni, – to give one example – to avoid a new lockdown.

Redirecting into digital mode economic and financial transactions as well as the bureaucratic and governmental paperwork not only would allow us to save time, but also to have a more complete control over data and movements. E-commerce, digital newsstand and e-learning are options that can live together with their traditional counterparts.

Smart working

And lastly, understanding that remote work and digitalisation processes are modus operandi able to multiply the beneficial effects of digitalisation of our society and our economy, hence ensuring a substantial productivity. For us, this last point is essential, because we are sure that a good digital business organisation is the best starting point for successful smart working.

Business RM helps small and medium business, big companies and corporations to take this step towards digitalisation and organisation of processes aimed at the common goal. For us it’s an important contribution to ensure that this “digital Renaissance” slowly turns into a reality.

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