Gameplay: here is why we need to watch SweetHive playing
Gameplay: here is why we need to watch SweetHive playing
Have you ever asked yourself why do people watch other people play videogames? Well, there is a reason for that. Let’s find out about it together.
Several years ago I remember seeing my flatmates playing PlayStation games. “To each their own”, this is my philosophy. Until when, one day, paying a little bit more attention than usual, I see my friend’s joystick on the sofa, my friend in the kitchen and the game still running on the TV, without anyone seemingly controlling it. In disbelief I asked my flatmate what was happening. And his answer was “I am watching how Charlie plays”.
This answer made me uncomfortable. What I was not able to understand was exactly that subtle step from “I play” to “someone plays while I watch”.
From this article we deduce that this phenomenon has a name, Gameplay. Game players play to share the emotions and the fun of the game with whomever may be watching. And, on the other hand, who is watching has as much motivation.
Indeed, in this article we can read that they not only want to satisfy some needs, ranging from tension release to cognitive, sentimental and needs of personal and social integration – our ego, in short – but also to better their abilities. And that’s the point: even as spectators to someone else playing we are involved and active, raising not only positive emotions and fulfilling some wishes, but also learning from more experienced people how to pursue our interests (maybe even winning!) in the best possible way.
The gameplay of SweetHive
Assuming that our job falls within our interests, here is how the videogame “Swethive VS other platforms’ can be an alternative way to make our readers -our target- aware that a more efficient way to work exists.
Thanks to the Organisation First platform, SweetHive, an organisation can share and contextualised its chats and enhance its own productivity thanks to the fact that everything is visible in one single thread. By playing we can learn many things and, if we can also apply them, it is possible to positively tease our ego…! 😉