How to become a trusted manager

Lego managers

How to become a trusted manager

How to become a trusted manager

What are the interpersonal tools that a real manager needs to have to be respected? How does he have to relate to his team to be able to motivate them? How to create a trust bond with the collaborators? We are giving you the keys to become the manager you have always dreamed to be.

A manager needs to be, not only the head of a company, but the person of reference, of trust and act as an example for his collaborators. Only this way it is possible to create a motivated team that can believe in the business’ objectives and work with enthusiasm towards their achievement.


Reward or responsibility


Becoming a manager requires great responsibility. It happens, at times, that it is considered as just a reward, despite there being a lot of work behind it to be done every day. The real manager, in fact, is someone who uses his energy also to build a solid team and to find winning strategies to manage it at best, and become, this way, their point of reference.


The role of mistakes


So, to be a manager worthy of respect, one must be part of the team, in order to channel and learn from mistakes, those mistakes that will allow him to create a team made of people even better than him, to be then recognised as a quality manager.

The continuous analysis of the mistakes transforms control in coaching and helps the continuous growth of experience. Transforming mistakes into skills, we can say that the manager should be a living example in terms of:
1. Belief
2. Courage
3. Listening
4. Delegating


I trust you


It is by using these skills that the manager becomes a trusted person and a reference point for his own collaborators. Trusted people do not give orders but advice. And this is exactly what the collaborators need to feel part of the company, to feel that what they do has a reason, other than receiving their monthly payslip.

But how do people of trust behave?

  • They do not fall apart in front of problems, they look for solutions
  • They continuously renew themselves (they are constantly learning)
  • They change the course of their thoughts, if they are negative ones (they create a positive atmosphere: they give you the feeling “we can do it”)
  • They always reinforce the ability to evaluate what is happening (they have the feedback always activated: they do not leave you alone)
  • They have great mental flexibility (they use the resources at best without complaining or saying sorry)


And it is thanks to this bond of mutual trust that the business’ objectives become a common mission, to which everyone has an interest and motivation to participate in.

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