4 tips for speaking in public for the first time

ragazza che si mette a posto il microfono prima di parlare in pubblico

4 tips for speaking in public for the first time

4 tips for speaking in public for the first time

Public speaking, so difficult! How do we do it? We will see in this article how to overcome this highpoint and emerge victorious.

Confidence, empathy, knowledge, interest… speaking in public seems easier said than done, especially if it’s the first time! At stake there’s the reputation of one self but also that of the organisation we are doing our speech for.

Here are 4 tips to face the moment and speak in public for the first time.

1) Learn from your guru

Douglas Adams one day said:

“Human beings, almost unique in their ability to learn from the experience of others, are considerable also for their scarce tendency to do so”.

Indeed it is so: often we see moment for sharing and listening to others’ experiences as a waste of time. But public speaking is not easy! For this reason, try to participate in all those occasions when a colleague, a friend or a relative speaks in public. In front of an audience or a client, observing the moves of someone you think highly of is always a first step towards one own’s personal growth.

Take part in these moments and be proactive.

2) There are bigger issues

If it goes badly, if it does not go as you hoped, don’t worry more than you should. Always remember: there are bigger issues! Speaking in front of an audience is scary for everyone but it cannot be this emotion to thwart your growth path. Instead, try to seize the opportunity as a challenge to face with serenity. And also…who said that there will not be any other opportunities?

Give it a try.

3) Learn to recognise the reasons of your audience

We always believe that who is listening is ready to judge us. And this is exactly what limits our freedom of expression. If in a way this could be true, in another it is also true that they are there to listen to your speech, most probably they want to learn from your experience, know your thoughts and increase their knowledge of a specific topic.

Learn to recognise the reason why and what moves them to participate to your event and the work is (partly) done.

4) Be prepared… but not from memory

Last but not least, do not be caught unprepared. Study, explore, ask yourself questions that may be asked during the event. But firstly, do not recite from memory. It can be the easiest thing to do at the moment but the result is not the best: you could sound boring, inexpert and incompetent.

Let yourself be transported by the moment and the gentle flow of the words. Breathe

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